Delightfully Delicious Date Balls
Delightfully Delicious Date Balls
10 Ways to Teach Your Kids the Importance of Gratitude The holiday season gives us a lot to be thankful for. If you’re reading this at home, that means you have a roof over your head and Internet access. Not everyone has these essentials, which can be hard for kids to understand. When children have …
10 Ways to Teach Your Kids the Importance of Gratitude Read More »
This week, in addition to being cyberbullied, I also had to face the harsh reality that my son is perhaps the “bully” in his classroom. I spend a few minutes every school day talking to his teacher so I can make sure that we are as much on the same page as possible. Wednesday she …
It’s Your Fault That Your Child Is Autistic Recently, I experienced my first real taste of anti-vax cyber bullying. She essentially accused me of causing Everett’s autism. And she didn’t stop there. So tonight, I’d like to address her vitriol with a few rebuttals. Unfortunately, I wasn’t truly able to respond the way I wanted …
If you’ve been following us for awhile, you know how much I love making fun lessons for Everett and Finn. This week I focused on anatomy. I brought over Everett’s friend Charlie so we could have a fun and educational playdate.We recently received “From Chewing to Pooing” and it inspired me to bring out …
“Fine. Everything’s fine.” I tell myself as I watch my house slowly be torn apart by the two tiny tornadoes I call my children. I sit there and look at the utter chaos and wonder if I leave it on the floor long enough if it will magically disappear. I have so many items on …
Has your child ever said something so hateful, that you immediately freeze and recoil in horror? For us, it was a little over a week ago. This sweet face you see here shouted at me: “I want you to die!” This evolved into “I want you to die and I’ll throw you out the car …
“Through the darkness, clickety clack….coming closer down the track…hold your breath so you can hear huffing, chuffing drawing near” Steam Train, Dream Train by Sherri Duskey Rinker is a favorite in this house. Actually, Sherri Duskey Rinker is one of our favorite authors. She has written books like the Good Night Good Night Construction …
15 years ago, I was the life of the party. I traveled on a whim, went out almost every night, and felt alive. My twenties were jam packed with adventure and excitement. I felt like I had embraced the world and it embraced me back. I met my future husband in 2008, right smack dab …