Happy 50th Earth Day! This years theme is Climate Action, so we focused on Wind Power. We read the kids Keith Negley’s newest book, The Boy and The Wild Blue Girl and made aluminum foil sailboats that we powered with wind.
Why wind power? Simple. Wind power is one of the cleanest forms of energy and can drastically reduce greenhouse gases. It’s cost effective, sustainable, and is a great clean energy source. Even better, it’s locally sourced, meaning that for us Americans, it provides local jobs and helps minimize our reliance on foreign markets.
Book Review

Our earth day read, The Boy and The Wild Blue Girl, is a story about the creation of wind turbines told in an adorable way. The wind in the story is portrayed by the Wild Blue Girl. She is seen by most as a nuisance that’s always messing things up. One boy, Poul thinks she’s amazing, and ends up creating wind turbines for her. His invention goes to show everyone just how amazing the wild blue girl is and how she can contribute to society.
The boys really enjoyed it and the illustrations are gorgeous. There is also a great bit of educational information at the end of the book about wind turbines and their inventor.

Our craft for today was a super simple way to show the benefits of wind. We even only used things I had laying around the house!

This craft is completely open ended. The fun part is using the tinfoil to create different sizes and styles of boats. The kids can literally create a anything their imagination can think of! For the sail, cut a sail shape out of the paper and stick it through with the toothpick. You can make little holes in the paper or just poke the toothpick through.
We used playdough to adhere the toothpick and paper sails to the boat. Then put it into the kiddie pool for a test ride! The boats all worked! Obviously the 2 year olds almost immediately capsized their boats, but the 6 year old was captivated by how it worked. He loved blowing it around the pool and watching his “wind” power the boat!
Did you try this craft? Tell us below!